Does Work Light Your Fire or Lead to Burnout?

stressed, burnout

Burnout is real. While the signs of burnout might be subtle, the emotional, physical, and psychological damage is severe. We put together this blog to share some signs of burnout and our four-step program to stop and prevent burnout and get on the road to recovery.  What Is Burnout? The APA Dictionary defines burnout as…

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Goal Setting — And Goal Achieving

As we work into April, the recollection of our New Year’s resolutions slide into the past. But why should it? Here are three tips on goal setting and meeting those goals.  The best part of being human is knowing you didn’t peak in high school, or college, in fact, every day is a new peak.…

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A Corporate Culture That Cares

corporate leadership at hokme

A caring corporate culture is a trusting one — and when it comes to success in business, trust amongst colleagues is critical. Trustworthiness breaks down into three things: 1. Credibility – I can; 2. Reliability – I will; and 3. Care – I’ve got your back, I’m looking out for you. When it comes to…

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Taking Gratitude to the Next Level

gratitude at work

Through birthdays and work anniversaries, LinkedIn prompts people to recognize each other. Recently, several people reached out to me to congratulate me on my work anniversary — and it prompted a moment of deep gratitude.  Ready to bring power to your people? Contact us for a consultation.  As busy as we are, we don’t always stop…

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Conquer Imposter Syndrome With These Tips

imposter syndrom at work

If you haven’t heard of imposter syndrome, you’ve probably experienced it. It’s wondering how you fooled your coworkers into thinking you’re smart, informed, experienced. Or it can feel like you are actually far less qualified than others think. How Imposter Syndrome Strikes I’m definitely not above experiencing imposter syndrome. In a recent meeting, someone asked…

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Moving Corporate Leadership From Home to The Office 

corporate leadership at hokme

Many managers found it easier to give caring, consistent feedback to family members at home. But when they return to their corporate leadership roles in the office, this empathetic accountability seems much harder achieve. Why? Bring accountability into the office with our corporate leadership training. Find out more. This related question came up in a…

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The Intersection of Hope & Corporate Strategies

hope and corporate strategy

I run. I’m not sure it shows. (I really like food and beer.) But yes, I run. (I’m about a lot more corporate strategies, you know.) I really enjoy running 4 miles loops around the lakes near my home. Not that I really notice the lakes while I run. I notice the sidewalk. See the…

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Corporate Accountability, Vulnerability & Trust

Ziel Leadership Builds Corporate Accountablity

Corporate accountability is like oxygen for  agility and innovation. When it comes to achieving accountability with feedback, we often overlook key ingredients such as psychological safety and openness. These can be achieved with vulnerable leadership. Key Ingredients of Corporate Accountability A few weeks ago, a friend and I had an interesting conversation about feedback and…

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Leaping, Learning & Leadership Development

young friends hope and corporate strategies

Leadership development and learning for a successful workplace requires a great deal of leaping. Whether it is to grow a more inclusive mindset to increase collaboration, accountability, and innovation through diversity. Each of these requires people to be open, authentic and accountable. These are only possible when we are willing to be vulnerable, to take…

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